Demonstration of Product, Sales and Service is Only a Beginning!


Why should I want to demonstrate?  It is important to understand that your Creative Story's discover, design and development is still only at a beginning phase in your business idea development.  You will not realize your potential until you reach acceptance in the market you seek to conquer.  This is a simple statement of the obvious; but importantly without the knowledge that details this process you will be at loss for any further development.  In effect your lack of critical information at this point will hopelessly attach you to the unfortunate "A" to "B' syndrome.


The cost of demonstration is less?  Practical application of the knowledge you have obtained up until this point in your development can now be tested.  Adjustments can be made to your plan that will do more than save you upfront money.  The demonstration process as a result of excellent design and development may be your most important step.  At this point the potential for losing your vision in the mire of lost time defining a strong demonstration is always a likelihood.  While it is important to compare your results in each tier of StoryBoard process to the "Creative StoryLine Model," it is the accumulation of information that defines the focus of demonstration tier.  It is the constant checking of obtained values at each stage that strengthens the decision making process for a demonstration phase.


Effective demonstration leads to Direct Action and expansion?  ELGross Enterprises LLC has experienced success and has seen the bottom of the pit too!  We know that it is important to define the business out come in your "Creative StoryLine Model."  In life nothing is guaranteed even when applying our best attempts; but the effort can help you rid much of the risk in your out come.  Enough so the expectation is that you will be more likely able to adjust prior to adversity rather than react after the conditions for change have been set.

  • Excellent information gives you the ability to adjust your demonstration before conditional change.
  • Multiple designs create an option for related demonstrations which continue or support a strong directed outcome.

If you want a planned outcome for your creative adventure; and you are caught in the "A" to "B" Syndrome contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.