What is a Creative Story about services and products?


Did you expect an out of the box ready to go marketing program?  For some that is the allure of having someone else do the hard work for you.  ELGross Enterprises LLC does not believe that any practical business idea can work that way today.  


A short term business idea like going door to door selling of a simple service or product will not yield good results.  Even that activity generally requires a city permit. So what are you going to do when you run out of doors to knock on or the season changes to your slow time?  Wait till the next cycle? I would hope not. 


With the onslaught of technology and increased options, any marketing project put together lacking a well thought out direction and process is not likely to have long term success and value. 


To begin E.L. Gross Enterprises LLC process, a Creative Story will have as elements:


  • A dream or vision
  • Can be elaborated
  • Serves a need or want
  • Presents an opportunity for change
  • Can be documented with research
  • Creator has a passion for idea
  • Conceptualized differently
  • Artistic interpretation clarifies 
  • Can readily be sold on-line, in field or retail
  • Provide value to end user
  • Can be readily serviced via web and/or onsite if neccessary
  • Fulfills creators hope to actualize their concept
  • Do-able in a reasonable manner
  • Can be marketed thru additional channels
  • Research and cost analysis match a budget

Individual elements of your Creative Story will develop as you continue the process.  This is an enjoyable brain storming process.  We like to utilize it to validate initial interest in a concept and help the new Creative Story move in the right direction.  Often a session brings on whole new attributes that had not been thought of previously. The Creative Story tier is very valueable.  E.L. Gross Enterprises LLC is careful to detail it for future reference.


Types of Creative Story Interests

There are basic areas of discovery that contribute to a Creative Story.  They are classified for use in our segmented Creative StoryLine tier.

  • Artistic Expression
  • Emotional Attachment
  • Business Function
  • Perceived Value
  • Market Acceptance


Artistic Expression

Any element of a Creative Story that could be described as a graphic, visual or extra sensory in artistic expression

  • Not the website or advertising campaign but the effect processing color and graphic design, photo and other media that depict the service or product in use as a sensory experience
  • The simple immediate visual concept of the product or service 
  • The action created by the use of the product or service
  • The socialization as a result of concept as a by-product  


Emotional Attachment

We become emotionally attached to a concept because of the creative process.  Is this an ownership of the idea that is interferring with clear thinking on the Creative Story?

How might the product or service be made more attractive to potential purchasers?  This area would describe the reaction to Creative Story concept and what might cause a resulting commitment to purchase product or service.


Business Function

How does any business consideration in the creative story effect the process?


Perceived Value

How is the perceived value affected by the accumulation of ideas in Creative Story?


Market Acceptance

How might the Creative Story be accepted in the market place?