How do we Segment into a Creative StoryLine?


A Creative Story is the rough draft of your ideas. In ELGross Enterprises LLC's process they are developed into an organization of ideas that have additional facets that we term as "segments." The process of analysis in a Creative Story becomes known for ranking by its segmentation. 


It is this important refining of your Creative Story that gives it a new distinction.   Analysis of the construction in the Creative Story descriptive activity details a process in regard to the subject being studied.  The segmented concepts in a Creative Story development and placement of those elements for separate comparison require definition and analytical tools.  The Creative Story process when understood clearly depicts the relationship of each segment.  Each segment in the Creative Story can however often stand on its own merits, find new importance or later be used in a different more coordinated and specific manner in the development of new ideas and/or refinement of current interests. 


It is the thorough classification and analysis of information that details a Creative Story and its segmentation.  When it has achieved this level of refinement the segmented Creative Story actively describes a line of activity that is known as its "Creative StoryLine." 


The content of a creative process has no real beginning or end.  Thus, we will look at the accumulation of the information as it affects the outcome of each part in a segmented Creative StoryLine.


Use elements of a Creative Story to structure a segmented Creative StoryLine.

You can structure the segments in any order as they all affect change at different times.  It would be most practical however to lay them out from the beginning of an idea construction through completion of the various tasks to get the idea ready for market.  Even a rough idea has an interpretation of its first beginning and imagined process to get to market. Depict each segment relationship to the other segments you are focusing on in developing your Creative StoryLine.